Resolution Check-In

At the beginning of the year, I made a post with some of my New Year’s Resolutions.  I outlined my hopes and dreams for the coming year as well as some specific goals I wanted to accomplish.  While it is all good and well to make those goals, sometimes a check-in is needed.  Though I didn’t post many specific things on the blog, I definitely journaled about them. This check-in is prompted by two amazing visits I had over the past couple days.  Because of my location, travel, and busy schedule, I often go MONTHS without talking to another music therapist, especially about my practice or myself.  On Friday, I had the opportunity to talk business strategy with Kat Fulton and today I had the pleasure of sitting down for coffee with Rachel Rambach.  Both are amazing and inspirational people, especially in the world of music therapy.  If you haven’t checked them out, I highly recommend doing so!  They got me thinking about my goals and what I have on my agenda. My original goals were growth, balance, and sustainability Read More