Music Therapy Ed – VIP Party!

I am so thrilled to have had the opportunity by the featured guest for a Music Therapy Ed VIP Party!  I feel WAY too young to be considered a “leader” in the music therapy community and have to opportunity to talk about my experience and what has become my area of “expertise”. This opportunity comes at the perfect time, especially with all of the changes that have been going on at On A Good Note. The practice is growing significantly as we ramp up for the 2-year business anniversary.  In some ways it feels like it’s been a lot longer while in other ways it feels as though we have only begun! I have mentioned Music Therapy Ed before, but wanted to take another opportunity to share their link with you.  Music Therapy Ed has truly helped my business grow.  Their courses on creating a website, recording music, marketing, iPad apps, etc., have been some of the building blocks for my current practice.  I love being one of their VIP members and am thrilled to continue learning from the content Read More