LOVE Yourself Financially & Value Your Services

Working in a client-centered field, my primary concern is generally the well being and satisfaction of the individuals I work with.  I want to make sure that their needs are met, that they are happy with the services they receive, and that they will continue to return in the future.    I try to be reasonable, fair, and understanding in all of our dealings, taking into account the human side of my work.  At the end of the day though, I have to remember that I am running a business and that I have to take care of myself and my needs.  I have to take care of myself financially so that I can continue to keep my doors open and provide the same level of services my clients are used to receiving. I have to remind myself: This is not only my passion, but my profession, my company, my livelihood. When figuring out how much I’m going to charge my clients, how much I want to pay my employees, how much I’m willing to pay in rent, I have Read More

LOVE Yourself: Positive Thinking & Affirmations

Truth Telling: Growing up, I was not one of the popular kids, the pretty girls, the athletic type.  I didn’t have a huge group of friends, but I had a few outstanding ones.  We were the nerdy musical kids off in our own corner singing show tunes and running lines.  I was the overly-sensitive, stressed out, type-a kid who worried about getting all of my homework and everything else in my life  perfect.  I was talented, but I never thought I was good enough.  Never pretty enough.  Never smart enough. I started to focus on the negative parts of my body, my self, and wonder what I could fix or do differently.  I stressed about daily activities and tried putting a on face to make everyone think I was perfectly happy with myself and my world.  I struggled with insomnia and anxiety attacks for years.  (That’s me on the left with the deer in the headlights expression) It’s so easy to start spinning out of control thinking negatively.  It’s simple to point out flaws and what we dislike about ourselves and others. Read More