Mad Libs and Rhyming Words for Songwriting

Today, I have two more simple ideas for quick and easy song writing in a music therapy session! With some of my clients working on both academic and speech goals, Mad Libs are a great way to get them participating.   I either look for free online Mad Libs I can print, use this online resource in my session, or create my own story.   I then have clients fill in the appropriate type of word to complete the story.  To make it musical, we keep a steady beat, add appropriate instrumentation, identify instruments that go with the story, or add a simple melody and chords.   This has been a great way to work on articulation, rate of speech, and academic concepts with a couple of my clients. Another simple thing we have done is writing out rhyming words on strips of paper, then arranging them in a way that makes some sense, adding filler words as needed.  To make it musical we add a beat and simple melody.  We then rearrange the words to create the second line of Read More