Apps I Love – For Teaching

For my birthday my family and fiance had my professional career in mind and bought me both an iPhone and an iPad.    I am loving them both and using them in my practice every day!!

The iPad has been a great tool for helping reinforce many of the topics I am working on with my clients as well as using music based apps as a reward.   One of my favorite apps I’m using with my clients right now is My Note Games

My Note Games


My Note Games is perfect for helping review notes, working on ear training, and practicing specific scales and notes.   You can have multiple users so if you are using the app with several students they can each track their progress separately.  You can also use the app with a variety of instruments including piano, guitar, voice, recorder, as well as a few brass and woodwind instruments.   Games include playing written patterns on your instrument, playing what you hear, practicing songs, and writing what you hear.  The app awards you a gold, silver, or bronze metal based on accuracy.

I love this app and my clients do, too!  They love trying to get gold medals and making it to the next level, all while practicing what we are learning in our lessons.

Cost: Free for initial download but $6.95 for all features (completely worth it!)


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