Music Therapy Ideas for Valentine’s Day!

I wanted to take a break from thinking about all of the snow and cold we’ve have been surrounded by these past few weeks to talk about LOVE! Not the mushy, gushy kind of love, but the love we have for music therapy, our clients, and music.  In honor of this season of love, I wanted to spread some of the love-ly ideas and interventions my fellow Music Therapists have shared throughout the years.  Here are 7 resources from other amazing MT’s to help get your Valentine’s sessions off to a great start!


Spreading the love through music Therapy


Two songs perfect for adults and older adults to discuss, dance to and play with.

 Wholesome Harmonies – More LOVE-ly Ideas for Valentine’s Day

Amy Kalas offers a complete session plan for Valentine’s day as well as several other LOVE-ly ideas in previous posts.

Music Therapy Services of Austin – Song for Valentine’s Day – “Teeny Tiny Valentine”

This piggyback song is a wonderful way to address educational concepts while still sticking with the holiday theme.

Coast Music Therapy – Heartbeat – Valentine’s Day Learning Song

An original song and instrument playing intervention working on educational concepts and following directions.

Listen Learn Music – Valentine’s Day

Rachel Rambach has 8 different posts and interventions listed on this page all with the themes of LOVE and Valentine’s Day!


CHECK OUT these fantastic resources and stay tuned for more ideas from On A Good Note

2 thoughts on “Music Therapy Ideas for Valentine’s Day!

  1. Rachel says:

    These two links did not work. Bummer!

    -Music Therapy Annex – They Call it “Valentine’s Day” : Activity and Song

    This is a great fill-in-the-blank song writing activity great for teens.

    -Therapeutic Harmony – Love in a Music Therapy Session

    This post has a long list of songs perfect for this love related holiday.

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