Practice Olympics – Wrap Up

A few weeks ago I posted that my students were going to be participating in the Practice Olympics, in which they would work on different practice related events.  In order to “medal” they had to complete a certain number of events.

2 events = Bronze level prize (sheet of stickers)

3 events = Silver level prize (Stickers + Kazoo + Harmonica)

4 events = Gold level prize (Stickers + Kazoo + Harmonica + Gold Medal)

I am pleased to announce that ALL of my students that participated earned at least a Bronze prize and most earned Silver or Gold.  They were THRILLED about the events and excited to work toward the different level prizes.  Parents also appreciated getting to see their kids excited about practicing.  This was also a great way for me to see what kinds of practicing motivates each individual and what specific areas (ex. note naming, note writing, identifying parts of music, sight reading, etc.) might need a little extra work.  All around, I call this event a success and plan on doing it again in 2 years!!  I just wish we didn’t have to wait so long for another set of Olympics!!!!

Gold Medal PrizeOne of my students with their Gold Medal!

All pictures and videos are the property of On A Good Note.  Please respect On A Good Note and the privacy of the students and families by not downloading or reposting pictures.  Thank you! – Katey


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