2016: Simplify, Streamline, Self-Care (part 3)

STOP!!!!  Stop what you are doing right now!

Take a deep breath. 

2015-10-02 18.00.07

How did that feel?  Pretty great, right? Take another one. A slow, deep breath.  Remind yourself to simply breathe and take a second to step away from everything.

Close your eyes and take another deep breath.

 You’ve got this. 

When I feel myself starting to tense up and my shoulders slowly creeping toward my ears, I remind myself to stop, take a moment. Breathe. Remember, to breathe.

Previously, I’ve talked A LOT about self care in a series called “Love Yourself”.  However, it’s soooo important that I’m going to rehash it now.

Take at least a little time out of every single day to…you guessed it…


Do something (literally ANYTHING) for yourself.

We get so consumed in the tasks we “have” to do every day that we simply forget to take care of ourselves.  We forget that in order to care for our families, help other people, or be successful at work, that we first have to take care of our selves.  We have to make sure our proverbially batteries recharge at some point so they don’t shut down and power off entirely.

Self-Care can be ANYTHING!!!

It can be anything that helps you to recharge, unwind, relax, find yourself, or however you like to look at it. It just has to be something for YOU! No one else. JUST YOU!

Can it help someone along the way… sure, maybe. But, it has to help you!

How do I self-care: Jogging, baths, reading, cooking (when I WANT TO), playing piano (for fun), wine, drawing, watching Netflix with my husband, writing, going to the dog park (with the dog), taking pictures, organizing my closet, writing a blog post, shopping for home decor, taking a nap, calling my sister, yoga/pilates, coffee dates, meditating, coloring, massages, traveling, etc.

I want to know…

How do YOU self-care?

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