Last Minute Music Therapy Intervention Ideas for the Holidays

We’re already in the middle of December! Can you believe it? If your clients are anything like mine, they all want to hear the same three Christmas songs over and over. If you’ve mastered Jingle Bells and sung all of the fa la la’s out of Deck the Halls, then it might be time for a a couple fresh ideas. Below are a couple of my wintery songs as well as links to some other amazing holiday resources posted by music therapists!

Songs –

It’s Christmas Time

Counting Snowflakes 


Free Christmas Sheet Music HERE

Educational snow and winter chants from Tuned Into Learning

12 Goals of Christmas from Music Therapy = <3

Music Therapy Christmas Carols from Coast Music Therapy

Holiday Piggy Back Songs also from Coast Music Therapy 

Fresh Holiday Intervention Ideas from Sound Scape Music Therapy


Happy Holidays!

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