2016: Simplify, Streamline, Self-care (part 2)

Welcome back!!  

In my previous post, I divulged the 3 major words Rachel and I elected to describe our goals for the new year that I have also adopted personally.

major goals

I took on simplify in my last post.  Streamline is a little trickier. It’s not a terribly fun or pretty word, but it is definitely essential in both the future of our company and my future personally.

streamline (verb): to make (an organization or system) more efficient and effective by employing faster or simpler working methods.

There aren’t many extra hours (or even extra minutes) in any given day.  A lot of things get done at the last minute (or never) because there feel like there is no time.  There are a lot of ideas that never even get started because I’m always playing catch-up.

By taking a little time to find the methods/systems that work best for me and my company, I can become more efficient and effective thus creating more time and space in my life to do more of what I love and start on some new and amazing projects.

Action Step: 

  1. Find my groove – figure what routine will work best for me & stick to it!! 
  2. Delegate, ask for help, employ assistance
  3. Reassess current method and find what can be cut, changed, moved, & shifted.


What are your thoughts on streamlining??

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