My Favorite Apps – Piano Monkey

My students love new ways to use the iPad in our sessions. I like finding ways to keep them engaged while learning new things. That’s why I so many educational apps. One of the apps I have been using recently in Piano Monkey!

Piano Monkey tests students’ knowledge of notes on both treble clef and bass clef, giving them three options to choose from.

Piano Monkey

If you select the correct note, the note will be played and the monkey will smile, giving you the opportunity to move on to the next note.

2013-10-21 11.05.45If you select the incorrect note, the option will be blacked out and you will be given a second chance to select the correct answer.

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The game only test you on 10 notes at a time.  At the end of the ten notes you are given a score and a the time which to took you to complete the ten notes.

Piano Monkey

You also have the option to test on bass or treble clef.  If you touch the white “i”  in the lower right corner of the screen, you will be taken to page with directions followed by a page with options for the game.

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I hope your students enjoy this game as much as mine do!

Happy Monday!

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