Top Music Therapy Moments

There is not a single day where I do not love my job.  There are moments when it gets tough (i.e. getting instruments thrown at you, working with individuals with terminal diagnoses, when you feel you can’t get through to a client, etc.), but the positive moments FAR outweigh any of the little frustrations or rough situations.   Last week I had some amazing music therapy moments that I want to share. Here is one of them! At the start of my shift the other day I was given a referral for individual that had not spoken to anyone in over 24 hours.  They refused to say a word to any visitors or staff.  When I met with the client, they were hesitant to speak with me, barely even making eye contact or acknowledging my presence.  I began singing to the client, using their name and singing what I thought might be familiar songs.  I noticed while I was singing that I began to get a few glances.  When I asked if they wanted to look at any of the Read More