Practice What You Preach

We just completed week 3 with our outstanding intern, Alisabeth!  I am so excited to begin this new endeavor as an internship supervisor! It’s thrilling to be in this influential role, though it has been a little daunting and challenging at points. I’m in a role where I’m teaching someone what I know about my profession and helping to shape them into the professional they want to be.  My internship was one of the most formative experiences of my professional life. So, maybe it’s just me, but I see this a very important role that I take seriously.  My style may be a little different in that I try to be 100% open and honest with my intern, but I like to maintain that they are a real person and adult that can be treated as such. With that in mind, I try to be a “real” person around her: I try to be honest when I’m not feeling great, or when a session is a struggle, or when I’m really excited about a client’s progress, etc. I think it’s good Read More