Favorite Resource – Pinterest

Sometimes I get stuck in a rut, doing the same things and singing the same songs during sessions. I know that if it’s getting repetitive and boring for me, then it is definitely starting to feel that way for my client.  New material can not only reenergize your sessions but can support your clients needs in new and exciting ways.  Often I create my own materials, write my own songs, and develop specific interventions for my individual clients.  However, I sometimes need a little inspiration.  That is where Pinterest comes into play.

Pinterest is used by therapists, parents, teachers, artists, and musicians all over wanting to share their ideas, interventions, and songs!  Whenever I’m looking for something new to use with a particular client, I know I can search pinterest and always find something helpful.

pinterest login screen


After logging in for the first time, you can start to search for topics, ideas, people, and websites.  One search I recently completed was for DIY instruments.  After typing in the desired topic and hitting the search button, a full screen of pictures containing those descriptive words will pop up.

pinterest search, diy instrumentsIf you see a picture you like, find a project that interests you, or find a topic you want to know more about, simply click on the picture.  A larger version of the image will appear with options listed above it.  You can select to go to the website the image is from in order to learn more, “pin it” to your own board in order to save the idea and come back to it later, “like” it, or send it to yourself or another person using the paper airplane in the top right corner.

pinterest pinNot only is pinterest a great place to search for new ideas, but it is also a wonderful platform for sharing your own ideas, interventions, and songs.  I have several items I have shared off of my website that you can find on pinterest and share with your clients!  Check out both my Songs and Resources on the On A Good Note pinterest page.

Be sure to follow me to get all of the new songs, resources, interventions, and ideas I share on a regular basis!  Happy Tuesday!



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