There’s an App for That! – Music Therapy Ed Course

This past summer we bought an iPad for my business.  I was so thrilled!!!   At the same time I was terrified!  Technology and I have not always had the best relationship but I knew how much my clients would benefit from using an iPad within sessions.   Because I had never used an iPad or iPhone before, I had no idea where to start.  Thanks to the awesome team at Music Therapy Ed and their 2 iPad courses, I have become much more comfortable using the iPad!

Bonnie Hayhurst of The Groovy Garfoose has put together two amazing courses detailing over 150 apps, best practices of how to use the iPad appropriately in sessions, tips on keeping your iPad in tip top shape, and ideas on how to choose the best apps for your clients!

Within the courses Bonnie has divided the apps by category.  So whether you are looking for an app to support sensory needs, expression, motor development/planning, instruments playing, or nearly anything else, Bonnie shows you that there is certainly an App For That!  Bonnie walks you through how to use the apps, demonstrating their features, things to consider, and what goals the app can help support.   Have any questions after watching a video?  No worries!  There is facebook group were you can get assistance with near lightening speed.

Thanks to these awesome iPad courses my iPad is now chock full of awesome apps that I have already started incorporating into my sessions!  I would highly recommend this course to iPad users of all abilities.  Whether you are just stating out or looking for a few new ways to enhance your practice or spark some idea, Bonnie will show you that there is an app for that!

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