Phonics Flash Card Games and Songs

I love picking up new things to incorporate into my sessions.  The Target dollar spot sometimes has some great finds!  On a recent trip, I picked up a pack of phonics cards.  I have several clients who are working on a lot of speech and academic goals.  I love these cards because they are so diverse.  
photo 3 (1)Not only can you work on identifying letters and their sounds, but each picture has several objects that start with the the letter at the top of the card.  On the backs of the cards are several words on the back.

photo 4 (1)

Not only do I ask clients to identify letters, sounds, and words, but I ask them to talk about the picture on the card.  I use the simple song below to prompt clients to look up at the card and tell me what they see!

Look Up At Me! How do you use flash cards in your sessions?

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