We Are… Collaborators

Definition of collaboration: “The process of working jointly with others in an intellectual endeavor to bring about change, and it implies shared responsibility” (Hobson, 2006)

Music therapists  (MTs) focuses on facilitating positive change and work with a very VERY large network of people to do so!  All of our clients have specific goals and objectives that are determined not only by the music therapist but often also by teachers, parents, caregivers, doctors, nurses, and other therapists.  MTs collaborate with these individuals to create and carry-out the best treatment plan for each individual.  Often, this requires co-treating with other therapists (including occupational therapists, physical therapists, and speech therapists, etc), collaborating with others to create appropriate resources, and communicating with a large team of people instead of just a single client.

I love having opportunities to collaborate and co-treat with other professionals.  Not only do I get to share my unique expertise and experience, I have the opportunity to learn from others and grow from the interaction.

Music Therapists are Collaborators

Check out these amazing resources from music therapists talking about Collaboration!

Rachel See Smith wrote this great blog post about “Speech-Language Therapy and Music Therapy Collaboration: The Dos, the Don’ts, and the “Why Nots?” “

Co-treating with a music therapist 101 from The Palm Beach Music Therapy Institute

This podcast on Working Collaboratively from Music Therapy Round Table


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